Software culture documentaries in the making

In the past days, I came across two different documentary projects centered around programming and computer culture. They stress how essential it is to keep a historical, critical and human-centered record of the evolution of computer- and software-culture : 6502, Tape, Arcade Jason Scott – historian, archivist, and filmmaker, creator of, founder of the…

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Localisation fr pour le thème WordPress P2

Travaillant à la mise en place d’un site de communication développeur-client, j’ai opté pour le thème WordPress P2, développé et utilisé à l’interne par l’équipe d’Automattic. Constatant que la dernière localisation française (effectuée par Nicolas Friedli) remontait à 2009 , et n’était plus compatible avec la version courante de P2 (1.3.3), j’ai décidé de prendre…

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A call for smart parsing of concert information on the world wide web

Since I am maintaining the website of a concert venue in Geneva, I am often confronted with the matter of submitting concert dates into social web platforms:, Facebook, Upcoming, Songkick (and tons of others)… not to speak about local listings such as or The idea of entering concert info into all those…

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The Stallman dialogues

Thanks to Jeremy Keith’s post “stallmania“, I came across this hilarious site that presents imaginary dialogues with Richard Stallman, directly based on Stallman’s lengthy list of requirements for conference organisers. Stallman’s conference rider actually makes for a very entertaining reading, and contains some true gems, as this one: “Many countries have a law that hotels…

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