Today, 19th august 09, this blog/website is going live and replacing the old static page.
After having experimented with WordPress while doing Adrien Kessler’s website, it was a quick decision to use that tool for my own blog/portfolio site.
I browsed through a large number of themes/frameworks, but again I came back to using UltraLight as a starting point, as it’s really easy to tweak and to modify.
Another important design element is the AD Gallery plugin by Coffeescripter, that I use for the portfolio image slideshows.
Finally, I am very thankful to the wordpress-bloggers who shared some pieces of code, which helped me getting more complex php functions to work: the follwing two were very useful in regard of grabbing the images attached to a post, without using cumbersome custom fields: WordPressHacker and an anonymous snippler.