CeC post-festival feedback

Official report and images from the CeC event in India are online. http://www.theaea.org/cec_cac/cec09/cec09rep.htm http://www.theaea.org/cec_cac/cec09/cec09pix.htm « Manuel and Chloe and Boris were up next, and promisingly enough, after witnessing Krisgatha’s virtuosity with such stuff, they too rode sensibly sparse kit. Plug’n’play almost. No glitches largely from almost no room for glitches in the first place. But,…

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workshop webdesign

Notes en vue du Workshop Webdesign donné à la HEAD / Pôle Art/Media les 24-26 mars 2009. Web Design Tools: Mac Text Editors: * TextWrangler – http://www.barebones.com/products/TextWrangler/ (includes FTP client) * Smultron – http://tuppis.com/smultron/ * jEdit (cross-platform) – http://www.jedit.org/ Linux text editors with HTML support : * Screem (0.16.1 – 11-16-2005) http://www.screem.org/ (not developed anymore)…

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