A book isn’t a book isn’t a book

On October 24, I gave a talk at the 4th Books in Browsers conference, San Francisco, about the mysterious phenomena of spam-as-books that has been infiltrating distribution platforms and university libraries worldwide. You can also read my recent paper on this topic (in French).

Some comments from the twitterati:

It was an awesome experience.

During that week, I visited the Internet Archive, took many photos, slept at a wonderful AirBnb, took tons of live conference notes, realized that James Bridle and Jason Scott are real, had a good time hanging out with Astrom/Zimmer, Melanie Picard and Aurélie Coulon from Swissnex, learned a lot about EPUB while testing epub.js, trespassed the gates of the Noisebridge hackerspace, had a conspirative meeting with fellow nato.0+55 veteran META

My presence at this conference was facilitated by Swissnex San Francisco and the Media Design master program at HEAD Geneva – thanks for having me!