When attending conferences, I like to take notes. Usually I don’t take those notes in a particular intention, and ususally I don’t ever read them afterwards. It’s rather a way of keeping myself focussed and memorizing the content of the talks. And perhaps have some references, if the talkperson mentions some books, facts or numbers…
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Soirée VJ @ Project’Images
A talk about the VJing book project, given at the Project’Images festival in Geneva. In French. November 2010.
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idea for a twitter artefact: having an occasional glance at my “vip” twitter list – http://twitter.com/#!/list/16kbit/vip – and reading through the posts, the following idea of a digital craft piece arises: a little statue (or framed picture) of your own personal heroic figure (thinking of bruce sterling, or john maeda) is standing on your desk.…
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Low-Rez/Solaris at Shift Festival
Images from Shift Festival, Basel (October 28-31 2010), where my video piece Low-Rez Stories/Solaris was on display.
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This post contains some notes regarding the customization of the reply template in Thunderbird. I adopted Thunderbird as my main email client some time ago, and since the progress in TB 3 I am very pleased with this piece of software. However, one of the features I wasn’t happy about is the Reply Template, the…
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Prototypage Textuel Rapide
Workshop d’écriture générative, en collaboration avec Catherine Lenoble, Nuit de l’écriture et des images, Nantes.
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VJing – by 375 Wikipedians
VJing (by 375 Wikipedians), a book that was collectively written during the Wiki-Sprint workshop, is out in print.
Read more "VJing – by 375 Wikipedians"I was a human pixel
I had the chance some days ago to participate in this historical re-enactment of the computer game Pacman, first released 1980 in Japan. It is the fifth in a series of video-game reincarnations by Swiss artist-designer Guillaume Reymond (after Pong, Space Invaders, Tetris…), filmed in stop-motion animation and using human live actors in the place…
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Working on a new cool website assignment, and studying the implementation of custom post types in WordPress 3. Some links I’m collecting here for future reference: http://codex.wordpress.org/Custom_Post_Types http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type http://cogdogblog.com/2010/05/28/wordpress-3-pt1/ http://cogdogblog.com/2010/06/06/put-on-your-hazmat-suits/ http://kovshenin.com/archives/custom-post-types-in-wordpress-3-0/ To be continued…
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This morning, Monday 2nd August, marks the beginning of my participation in Hyperactivity, an artistic “summerlab” running at Centre d’Art de Neuchâtel from July to August 8th 2010. During the upcoming week, I will be working daily on different projects, foremostly a series of releases on the Greyscale Press imprint. The first step, today, will…
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