Juin 2018 — comme chaque printemps, je mène un projet avec une classe d’élèves IMD (Interactive Media Designer) de l’Ecole d’arts appliqués La Chaux-de-Fonds, consistant à effectuer un sondage autour des outils de design utilisés dans la profession du web. Les élèves créeront un site qui présentera les résultats du sondage. Le questionnaire: https://designsurvey2018.typeform.com/to/VDskmj L’une…
Read more "Un sondage sur les outils de design"Tag: workshop
Lessons from the Libre Type Workshop
In this post, I am trying to formalize a few practical lessons from the Libre Type workshop, which I gave in February 2013 at HEAD in Geneva. Globally, the group dynamic worked great, I believe this was the most successful workshop I have been running so far. Here are some raw notes about things that…
Read more "Lessons from the Libre Type Workshop"Prototypage Textuel Rapide
Workshop d’écriture générative, en collaboration avec Catherine Lenoble, Nuit de l’écriture et des images, Nantes.
Read more "Prototypage Textuel Rapide"Wiki-Sprint Workshop
Knowledge management workshop, around the definition of VJing (audiovisual performance art) in Wikipedia articles. Mapping Festival, Geneva, May 2010.
Read more "Wiki-Sprint Workshop"workshop @LIFT conference
Workshop on VJing / live visual media processing, in collaboration with Ilan Katin. Lift Conference, Geneva, May 2010.
Read more "workshop @LIFT conference"webcoding workshop @HEAD
Creative web coding workshop at Workmaster, HEAD, Geneva. In collaboration with Gívan Belá. November 2009.
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