I just finished editing the first volume of the ZKP re-edition series, available from today through Greyscale Press / lulu.com.
ZKP — Zentral Komitee Proceedings — was a xerox zine/reader compiled by contributors of the Nettime mailing-list, and distributed at tactical media events between 1995 – ’97. The texts are still available through several online archives, and they offer a very interesting overview of the utopias and struggles of the “web 1.0” netculture.
As in my eyes the paper medium is still the best way to absorb several hundreds of pages of text, I decided turn those html archives into a convenient print edition. The nettime editors have kindly agreed to this re-edition project that is now occuring via Greyscale Press.
The books are manufactured through the print-on-demand service lulu.com. Greyscale Press retains no benefit, which means that any person who orders such an item will pay only the printing and postage fees. For ZKP1, counting 622 pages, the manufacturing cost is $16.94.
The typesetting was done with the splendid DejaVu font, which by the way is now working in Adobe CS without inducing crashes.
Link to order ZKP1:
The source html files:
Some more info: